

Svenja [‘Svenya’] is an experienced Psychologist providing assessments, treatments and supervision to support young people, adults, couples and families with a range of conditions including trauma, stress, relationship difficulties, anxiety and depression.

Svenja uses a holistic and evidence-based treatment approach drawing on a variety of therapeutic modalities include Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR),  Schema therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).

Svenja is passionate about supporting people to overcome past psychological trauma and aversive life experiences (e.g., relationship difficulties, sport injuries, accidents, brith trauma, and abuse). Svenja’s clinical experience includes working in the public mental health service and leading a comprehensive Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for adolescents team, working in private practice for a number of years, providing trauma focused therapy under the ACC contract, and working in the child care and protection.

Svenja enjoys working with people from diverse cultural and social backgrounds, and supporting people with their unique challenges. Svenja’s specialist area of expertise includes memory and trauma reprocessing to allow people to fulfil their potential and live their best lives.

Svenja is a registered ACC Sensitive Claims (ISSC) and physical injury (PAS) provider, and people who have been involved in an accident or experienced sexual abuse may be able to receive free psychological services and support through ACC funded treatment.


Originally from Hamburg, Germany, Svenja has been living in Aotearoa New Zealand since 2003.

Svenja completed her Masters and Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Family Psychology at the University of Canterbury in 2012. Svenja also completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy at Massey University. In addition to private practice, Svenja has worked within public mental health, child care and protection, as well as education settings.

Memberships and Affiliations:

– Registered with the New Zealand Psychologists Board
– Member of the New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPS)
– Member of EMDR Association of New Zealand (EMDRNZ)
– Member of EMDR Association of Australia (EMDRAA)

– Member of New Zealand Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy (NZCEFT)

– Member of International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)

– Registered Test User Qualification Level C (Psych) – New Zealand Council for Educational Research


m: +64 21 043 3655                                        e: svenja@psychologicalservices.nz